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WFH + Happy Hour are a win win!

Isabel Pritchett

Why not work from home in pajamas!? I mean it sounds like a great idea to me-until it isn't! Years ago, before opening the store I had a taste of what it was like to work from home. I was in pajamas most of the day or changed into my daytime sweats. I barely ever put on a pair of jeans (man, that was a mistake)! Eventually my jeans didn't fit because sweatpants LIE and so do yoga pants and leggings! Jeans tell the truth. I realized I needed to make a change so I got my butt in the gym, started eating better and eventually my jeans fit. I made sure to never let myself do that again. Now 2020, I find myself hanging out at the house more, working from home and not having a set schedule like I did for over 12 years. The difference between now and then is my work from home style has dramatically changed. 

To stay productive, I found a few things need to happen in my day. 

1. Waking up at the same time every day, even weekends. 

I love listening to podcasts. Every chance I get, i'm listening to a podcast.

A little while back, I was listening to the Foot Traffic Podcast  and one tip that  Stacy Tuschl gave was getting up at the same time every day. Yes, even weekends! The way she explained it was if you sleep in some days, your body and mind start to experience jet lag and they don't function the way they normally would. Something about that seemed to make sense to me, so I tried it. Since doing that I now (try to) get up at the same time every day and the days that I do, I notice a big difference in the way I function. My productivity level definitely goes up! 

2. Get dressed.

When you get dressed your mind knows it's getting ready for the day. Luckily, sets are a huge trend right now so is athletic wear so you can still look cute while being comfortable. Even if you're dressing super casual these days (sweats, yoga pants etc) make sure to wear something you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen in. 

There's something about wearing an outfit that you like and feel good in that lifts your spirits and gives you a boost of confidence.

Another trend I am SO happy isn't going away any time soon is graphic tees. They are so incredibly versatile because they go with everything from an athletic jogger, to a jean and I LOVE dressing them up under a blazer!

We've created a category dedicated to graphic tees, check it out here

3. Stick to a schedule. 

Get up at the same time everyday, work out, get ready, get to "work", take breaks, schedule time for friends, family etc. Having this structure will keep you on track. 

4. If you wear makeup, don't give it up!

A full face of makeup isn't necessary if you're home all day, but a little mascara and concealer goes a long way! Just like getting dressed, it gives you confidence and when you like what you see in the mirror, you feel like you can take on the world!

5. Do your hair. 

Even if it's a cute bun, slicked back pony tail or a quick curl. This will help you feel more put together and finish off your look. 

6. Schedule Zoom chats or Facetime with friends and family. It will give you a reason to put yourself together and make sure you hold each other accountable, we're all in this together! 

Now, at the end of the day you can change out of your day time pajamas into your night time pajamas...ha KIDDING...and craft a classic cocktail with a twist! 

I somehow talked my hubby, Kevin into going on my live video with me. He loves making cocktails so that's what he did! He made a Muddled Orange and Cherry Old Fashioned and it was goooood!

If you'd like to try making it at home, here is the recipe! Let us know how it turns out or if you have any other craft cocktail suggestions for us to make, leave us a comment!

Muddled Orange and Cherry Old Fashioned

What you'll need:



One ounce shot glass/measurer 


Ice Cube


Demerara Syrup or a sugar cube

Cherry, Orange and an orange rind for garnish. 

To make it: 

Muddle a piece of orange and cherry at the bottom of a rocks glass.
In a shaker add 2 oz bourbon, a couple dashed of bitters, a sugar cube or Kevin is using Demerara Syrup in place of the sugar cube, SHAKE, pour over ice then garnish with a cherry and orange rind.


Until next time!








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