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Soaking up the last moments of summer

Isabel Pritchett

Labor Day has come and gone which means summer officially FEELS over, key word feels...but it's not over just yet! So don't put away those shorts, sandals or tank. The way we're wearing them is with hoodies and zip up sweaters! 

We're still taking advantage of these warm summer days and loving these cool summer evenings and the way we're holding onto these summer moments is with a Pina Colada in hand! 

For a Classic Pina Colada you'll need: 

2oz Light Rum

1/2 oz Lime Juice

1 1/2 oz Cream of Coconut

1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice. 

Take all ingredients add to a shaker with ice, strain into a fun glass!

(I opted for this coconut cup because why not). 






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